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Health Topics
Sep 14, 2020
Your knee constantly hurts — you can tell it’s starting to wear out. You get swelling, cracking, popping and just aren’t able to be as active as you used to be. When is the right time to think about knee...
Sep 3, 2020
In addition to traditional team sports, many young and old alike enjoy individual recreational activities — take golf, cycling, hiking and skateboarding, to name a few. All these activities can be great exercise, but they each also carry their own...
May 4, 2020
Have you found yourself running or walking regularly for the first time in a while? Running through your neighborhood streets is an easy and efficient form of exercise and a good way to get some fresh air. There are numerous physical...
Feb 28, 2020
Men and women may be created equal, but we’re not built the same—particularly when it comes to our knees. Female athletes are more than likely than men to suffer serious knee injuries, a statistic that varies by sport.But it’s not...
Aug 7, 2019
Many people, myself included, have a love/hate relationship with running. On the one hand, running allows for a high caloric burn within a short amount of time, meaning it’s one of the most efficient options for exercise. It also improves...
Jul 24, 2019
As the popularity of high-impact, strength-building exercise programs increases, the shoulder is being increasingly called upon to function as a high demand, weight-bearing joint. This has led to an increase in shoulder-related complaints among active adults. If that’s you, read...
Jan 10, 2019
After living with aching knees for far too long, you finally pulled the trigger, talked to an orthopedic specialist and explored your options to put a stop to your knee pain. You started with imaging, you tried strengthening your knees...
Dec 3, 2018
If you’re thinking about a hip replacement, chances are you’ve been dealing with pain in your hip for some time.There are many things that cause a hip joint to degenerate — normal wear and tear, injury, bone necrosis or even...
Nov 8, 2018
They’re everywhere these days. You see them in parks, on sidewalks, even in the streets, and people of all ages are using them. I’m talking about electric scooters, or e-scooters, and they are causing quite the alarm.As an orthopedic trauma...
Aug 8, 2018
As an orthopedic surgeon, I’ve noticed a growing trend: more and more people are undergoing joint replacements at younger and younger ages. Patients in early middle age — and even some in their 20s and 30s — are increasingly opting...
Apr 9, 2018
“Stand up straight!” “Pull your shoulders back!” “Don’t slouch!”Did I just cause a shudder down your spine as you remember unpleasant childhood memories? We start hearing these messages about posture at a very early age, and as we get older,...
Dec 30, 2017
Joint pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain. Many people experience aching joints, especially in the knees or hips, and assume it’s a natural part of aging. But there may be an underlying cause — your...
Nov 27, 2017
When you’ve got hip pain, diagnosis can be complex. Interactions of the various muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels and bones need to be thoroughly examined to determine the source. But a new, high-tech wearable device developed by researchers at Baylor Scott...
Jul 20, 2017
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to lose density, leaving them thin and weak and susceptible to fractures. While osteoporosis does affect more women than men, it is not just a women’s disease. Approximately two million American men already...
Jul 12, 2017
When you have shoulder pain, you might not know the cause. Robert Berry, DO, medical director of sports medicine at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Plano, said that pain from arthritis and bursitis can be similar. But here...
Apr 25, 2017
Osteoporosis is a thinning of our bones and is more common in women. It is even more common in postmenopausal women, Caucasians, smokers and those with a low body mass index. A few key factors can set the framework for...
Feb 27, 2017
Knee pain is aggravating and restrictive. It can keep you from participating in activities that you enjoy and halt your daily exercise routine. Yet, whether it’s from a previous or recent injury, knee pain can be alleviated. While the initial reaction...
Feb 15, 2017
If you’re experiencing tingling, numbness or weakness in the hand, thumb or first three fingers, this could be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. With this, you might also experience pain between the wrist and the elbow.Carpal tunnel syndrome is...
Aug 24, 2016
When it comes to what can hurt our joints, illusions abound. So we asked Torrance Walker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon on the medical staff at Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth, to help clear up the...
Apr 6, 2016
When patients come into my office, it’s usually because their level of pain has become unmanageable. Sometimes, injuries to joints might be hindering their normal mobility, preventing them from the activities they love. They’re sick of joint pain, and “toughing...