Comprehensive and advanced heart and vascular care.
Care for digestive conditions.
Care for bone and joint health.
Care for brain and spine disorders.
Locations that provide specialized care and consultations such as doctor’s offices.
Multi-location groups that provide specialized care.
Locations that provide immediate care for trauma and other moderate to major medical needs.
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Locations that have multiple departments for in-patient, full-service, specialty and 24/7 emergency care.
Locations that provide X-rays, MRIs or CT imaging.
Locations that fulfill prescriptions and other drug and medical device needs.
Locations that provide recovery from medical procedures or illnesses.
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Sep 30, 2021
Loss is a natural part of life that often requires us to seek guidance from others to find hope, meaning and strength to move forward. Danny Tomlinson, a chaplain at Baylor Scott & White Health, helps families cope and find...
Jul 15, 2021
To the ones who feel like they haven’t done enough:You are not alone. I recently heard an ER physician on the radio speak to the fact that he would come home exhausted after taking care of COVID-19 patients and question...
May 4, 2021
The need for self-care is at an all-time high, but self-care is always important. Taking care of ourselves with kindness and gratitude is a crucial part of our well-being.In a society that exalts work above rest, it can be difficult...
Apr 27, 2021
Amidst the shutdowns and other safety precautions taken to slow the spread of COVID-19, families have experienced new stressors — and telehealth has experienced an unprecedented boom. Even prior to COVID-19, Baylor Scott & White’s Warriors Research Institute (WRI) was...
Apr 7, 2021
What if there was a simple way to reduce stress, improve immune function and boost your mood? Journaling, a simple activity, has shown to do this and more! Let’s explore how journaling can be an effective way to process thoughts...
Jan 25, 2021
How are you feeling? How have you been feeling the past week? Most importantly, what are you doing about how you’re feeling? Let’s talk about the importance of checking into our emotions and mental well-being, and explore a few tools...
Jan 6, 2021
I know. I know. Most of us would rather leave 2020 in hindsight and gaze only into the hopeful eyes of 2021. In a time full of uncertainty and loss, I’m right there with you. Yet, as we end this...
Dec 8, 2020
Picture this: you are helping a friend move. You spend the day bending at the knees and picking up boxes and furniture. Stairs may be involved, and you are in utter disbelief by the amount of things your friend owns....
Dec 1, 2020
If you are anything like me, this past year has been a rollercoaster of emotions. There have been the ups of finding new ways to connect with family and friends, yet the downs of uncertainty and a lot of alone...
Sep 10, 2020
Picture this: you’re in the middle of a meditation. You close your eyes and think, “Breathe in, focus on your breath. Breathe out…”As you exhale your mind wanders to, “Oh no! I forgot to get the cilantro at the grocery...
Aug 12, 2020
Have you ever bonded with someone you don’t know over something funny? Or perhaps become closer with someone after a few good laughs? Let’s dive into what makes laughter so contagious — and so important in our day-to-day lives and relationships.The...
Aug 3, 2020
Do you find yourself having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or not feeling rested when you wake up? Let us dig into some of the reasons why you may not be getting your best night’s sleep. You might be surprised...
Jul 9, 2020
In the 1970’s, Dr. Herbert Freudenberger coined the term “burnout” to describe the consequences of severe stress, exhaustion and combined physical symptoms. Fast forward several decades and today, burnout is a bigger problem than ever before.My patients often inquire about ways...
Jun 18, 2020
Compassion. Such a powerful word. In my opinion, it’s one of the most important traits a person can have. It can be as simple as smiling at someone you don’t know or as multi-layered as taking action for a cause...
Jun 15, 2020
We live in unprecedented times. Social distancing guidelines have made it more difficult for loved ones to interact, co-workers to collaborate and friends to gather together. For some, this may lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation. New challenges emerge...
Apr 3, 2020
Is anxiety keeping you up at night? How often do you lie awake in bed, unable to turn off the gears in your brain? Whether it’s tomorrow’s to-do list, that conversation you wish had gone differently today or mounting financial...
Mar 31, 2020
We all get stuck in a rut sometimes. Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or perhaps you are simply overwhelmed by the stressors of everyday life. Feeling a little down from time to time is...
Jan 27, 2020
Becoming optimistic can empower you to deal with challenges and move toward happiness and success. But what if optimism could be our fountain of youth and allow us to live longer and healthier? Longevity, defined as living to the age...
Jan 20, 2020
It likely comes as no surprise that finances are the biggest source of stress for Americans. Financial stress affects nearly everyone, regardless of social economic status. I often ask my patients experiencing symptoms of anxiety, “What stressors are involved in...
Nov 25, 2019
Gratitude sounds simple, but it isn’t always easy to put into practice. Why? Simply put, we’re busy. Hitting pause doesn’t come easily for most of us. We polled our physicians, nurses, surgeons and staff to talk about gratitude, why it...