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Healthy Living
May 7, 2023
If you’ve missed running the way you did before delivering your baby, it’s normal to want to hit the road and start feeling like yourself again. Or maybe you want to begin running postpartum as a healthy way to improve...
May 5, 2023
Any mother knows the feeling all too well—the nagging thought that you’re not “enough” as a mom. You may worry that you aren’t attentive or fun or strict enough. Maybe you regret that a work commitment kept you from a...
May 3, 2023
You’ve likely heard of Mom Brain or “momnesia.” Sometimes it can be funny, like accidentally putting the milk in the pantry and the cereal in the fridge. Sometimes it can be frustrating, like forgetting a word or where you parked....
Feb 16, 2023
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! As a new mother, you’re probably adjusting to a lot of changes in your life and your body. If you’re feeling a little “poochy” in your belly area, even months after giving birth,...
Jan 12, 2023
If you’re trying to conceive or planning on growing your family in the near future, you may have fertility on your mind—especially if you’ve had friends or family members who’ve struggled to get pregnant.Perhaps you’re even in the midst of...
Jan 11, 2023
Gestational diabetes is a form of high blood sugar that develops during pregnancy and can have serious consequences for both mother and baby. It’s important for expectant mothers to be aware of the risk factors and take steps to prevent...
Dec 12, 2022
Pregnancy may seem like a great time to put your feet up and relax, but regular exercise before, during and after pregnancy has great benefits for you and your baby. And the benefits of exercise don’t stop after delivery—women who...
Nov 4, 2022
Your baby’s due date is near. Mom is packed and ready to leave. But what about Dad? He’s gone to birthing classes and planned the best route to the hospital, but is he packed?Many fathers don’t realize they’ll need their...
Oct 24, 2022
Around 1,000 babies a day are born here in Texas, and about a third of them come into the world via a Cesarean section, or C-section—a type of surgery in which a healthy baby is delivered through an incision in...
Oct 17, 2022
It’s every parent’s nightmare—the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). While it’s comforting to know that that level of expert care is there, you hope and pray you’ll never need it.When we welcomed our third child, Waylon, three weeks early, we...
Sep 6, 2022
First, let me just say this: It is normal, expected and totally okay to feel overwhelmed after having a baby. This is true whether you’re first-time parents or you have several kids at home already. Regardless of the circumstances—and how...
Apr 25, 2022
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is one of those places parents hope they never need but are ever so grateful it’s available if they do. Nothing can ever fully prepare you if your child needs the specialized technology and...
Mar 22, 2022
The moment you find out you’re having a baby is life-changing and maybe a little scary—even more so if you find out you’re having twins, triplets or more. First, take a deep breath and focus on your joy and excitement....
Mar 3, 2022
There are lots of reasons that any given pregnancy may be considered “high risk.” It might be a medical condition affecting the mom or a fetus with a heart defect or other structural problem. Or maybe you’re having twins or...
Feb 1, 2021
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in one’s life, but it’s also filled with so many questions. How do you know what and whom to believe? Let’s de-bunk some common mommy myths I hear as an OB/GYN.Myth #1: “You can’t...
Sep 11, 2020
One afternoon, my mother-in-law and I were visiting when we got on the topic of expanding our family. By something I said, she thought I was telling her I was pregnant — I quickly responded that I WAS NOT! I...
Aug 4, 2020
Morning sickness. Heartburn. Tearing up for no reason. Strange food cravings. Most women who have been pregnant know some or all these symptoms well. As an OB/GYN who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine and a mom, I am quite familiar with them...
Jun 22, 2020
Having a baby is unlike any other experience — there is so much joy, emotion, excitement and anticipation built into a delivery. No two experiences are the same, and many women even have different experiences with each delivery. While we cannot...
Jan 29, 2020
Nearly every week, I have a patient ask me if they are a “high-risk pregnancy.” Most are fairly concerned if they think the fall into the high risk category, and rightfully so — there are some additional things we need...
Aug 12, 2019
Morning sickness. It should really be called “all day sickness.” At least, that’s how I felt about six weeks into my pregnancy. Prior to being pregnant, I frequently advised my patients to just try some ginger and maybe eat more...