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Health Topics
Apr 11, 2017
As the Baby Boomer population is aging, we are facing a growing demand for lifesaving organ donations worldwide. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be 10 million people in the U.S. alone with advanced heart failure.Because hearts are...
Apr 3, 2017
In 1986, Rhonda Jung was diagnosed with a rare type of liver cancer called Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma that could not be treated by radiation or chemotherapy. Rhonda, who was 24 at the time, was Baylor University Medical Center’s 61st liver transplant...
Mar 10, 2017
In the spring of 2013, Lonnie Henderson’s quality of life was about to make an about-face. Newly diagnosed with stage 5 kidney disease due to type 1 (inherited) diabetes, he would soon begin facing dialysis to cleanse dangerous toxins out...
Mar 7, 2017
This week we lost one of the pioneers of organ transplantation. Thomas Starzl, MD, who performed the first liver transplant in the world in 1963, died at the age of 90 at his home in Pittsburgh. He was trailblazer, known...
Jan 4, 2017
A chance meeting between two women at a scrapbooking convention would turn out to a be a life-changing moment for one of their husbands.Long-time friends Krystal Grant and Lois Helmick.Ever since Krystal Grant from Pelzer, SC, met Lois Helmick at a scrapbooking convention...
Dec 16, 2016
November marks four years since the start of an undeniable friendship. Two women brought together through a lung transplant have formed a unique bond in an untraditional way. Carrie Giddens, 31, and Valarie Fratiani, 45, consider each other sisters and...
Oct 10, 2016
After about 30 minutes of exercise, Tim Gallagher felt unusually fatigued and decided to lie down. From the unbearable tightness in his chest, he knew something was wrong.That day changed his life.Tim’s heart suffered massive damage when he experienced a widowmaker heart...
Oct 5, 2016
Today, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas released details on the first four living-donor uterine transplants performed in the United States as part of a clinical trial under Institutional Review Board approval. These first four surgeries were performed in September.This...
Aug 6, 2016
There are thousands of people waiting for the gift of life. They wait at home, in the hospital, in a hotel — anywhere — anxiously anticipating the call that it’s their time to receive an organ donation.During this time of...
Jul 28, 2016
We wear red for cardiovascular health, buy pink to support breast cancer research, stop smoking to prevent lung cancer. Too much sugar intake and we will develop diabetes. We hear these messages every day. But is anyone talking about the...
Jun 18, 2016
The White House recently announced several key actions being taken to reduce the organ waiting list. These collaborations and commitments represent a collection of great minds and organizations coming together with one common goal, to save lives and reduce the...
Jun 17, 2016
I was born with a congenital heart defect. Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a condition where my pulmonary artery and aorta were in reverse position, preventing oxygen rich blood from pumping into my body.TGA babies have a blue tint to...
May 29, 2016
We think of transplantation as a procedure that restores life. These are vital surgeries for patients who unfortunately have lost function in their liver, lungs, heart or other organs.What’s fascinating to me about uterus transplant is that we’re not restoring...
Apr 29, 2016
February 2014 changed our lives forever. I was only 25 years old at the time and my husband Reid and I had only been married a little over a year and a half. We were healthy and had never dealt...
Apr 9, 2016
I’ve been extremely blessed to be a mother of two children. In my life there has been no greater joy than being a parent to my son and daughter. As a labor and delivery nurse for more than a decade,...
Mar 24, 2016
After a car accident about four decades ago, Harold Bowles contracted hepatitis C, which resulted in two liver transplants when the organ started failing. Harold also enrolled in two separate clinical trials in an attempt to manage his illness, one...
Mar 2, 2016
The pediatric world is learning from a young girl with a rare congenital disease, while somehow she stays smiling.The child, 10-year-old Haelie Pisciotta, of Rob and Kellie Pisciotta of Belton, Texas, is talkative and full of life, pioneering her way...
Jan 29, 2016
They say motherhood is a gift. It’s that surreal and unforgettable moment of holding your newborn in your arms for the first time, gazing into a tiny face you feel like you’ve known your whole life. But for some, life...
Dec 4, 2015
It wasn’t your typical scene.Standing in the hallway of Temple High School, watching Dr. Robert Goldstein holding a small bouquet of red and white flowers in his hands, getting ready to surprise a teenager he had never met.The excitement on...
Sep 10, 2015
I’ve seen a lot in my more than 35 years as a transplant surgeon, but I’ve never seen this.In a 24-hour period, Baylor Dallas coordinated 12 organ transplants for nine patients, including a heart, single lung, double lung, three liver/kidney...