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Healthy Living
Aug 24, 2022
As a parent, it’s only natural to worry about your child’s safety and well-being. With all the potential concerns around social media, you’re not alone in questioning whether your child is ready. Are they old enough? Are they mature enough?...
Aug 19, 2022
Approaching the beginning of a new school year can be intimidating, whether you are just moving up in grade level or have moved to a new city. There are many big changes to think about for children, from how they...
Aug 3, 2022
Congratulations, you’ve welcomed a new bundle of joy into your world! However, having a newborn infant comes with a lots of questions and things to be aware of. One of these things to be aware of is neonatal, or newborn,...
Jul 12, 2022
As a parent, there are tons of newfound feelings the moment your baby is born into the world. There is joy, happiness and excitement for the future. At the same time, so begins the string of important decisions you as...
Jun 25, 2022
Sleep is vital to our well-being at any age, but particularly crucial for school-age children. Sleep deprivation affects every aspect of a child’s life, from friends and family relationships to school performance and daily behavior. Roughly one third of children...
Jun 23, 2022
Our sensory systems include touch (tactile), sound (auditory), taste (gustatory), smell (olfactory) and sight (visual). When all of these systems are working together and balancing the world around them, children can adapt to daily changes and feel great!But what happens...
Jun 16, 2022
What’s a parent to do when their usual baby formula is in short supply? Changing any aspects of your infant’s diet can be scary, and with good reason—your baby needs a diet rich in certain nutrients to keep growing strong...
May 26, 2022
In the wake of a tragedy like a mass casualty event at a school, you as the adult loved one responsible for a child or children in your life may be wondering how you can support them and how to...
Feb 6, 2022
Sniffles and ear infections are childhood ailments that will be familiar to many, if not most, parents. But sometimes there’s a persistent runny nose that just won’t stop, or an ear infection that comes back around every month. And maybe...
Oct 26, 2021
If your child has ever experienced a panic attack, both you and they will want to know exactly what caused it and how to prevent such a scary episode in the future. Here are eight things you can do to...
Oct 6, 2021
If your child’s brain tried to communicate that it had a problem, would anyone notice?In my office, kids’ brains sometimes ask for help by displaying symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). My job is to work with you, the...
Sep 20, 2021
Your child has persistent ear infections. She pulls on her ears a lot. She has a runny nose almost all the time. So your doctor recommends surgery to place ventilation tubes in her ears.Should you worry?The first thing to know...
Sep 6, 2021
Your child has been experiencing persistent ear infections, and you have consulted with your pediatrician or an otolaryngologist. They recommended ventilation tubes (also called ear tubes), which ventilate the middle ear so that infection has a minimal chance of recurring.So,...
Aug 30, 2021
When you make that checklist to get your children back-to-school ready, don’t forget to add the daily commute.Whether your kids board a bus, ride a bike, walk or drive with you to school, follow these tips to keep your family...
Aug 17, 2021
This time of year, my office tends to see parents making appointments for child Physicals when really, they need a Well Visit, and vice-versa. That’s because there are some similarities between the two: both are visits for kids who appear healthy....
Aug 11, 2021
This time of year, I see a lot of kids struggling with the jitters. Sometimes, that back-to-school nervousness can get pretty serious.It’s understandable—this time of year can be unsettling for kids. They have to think about their new workload, making...
Mar 27, 2021
Does your child walk on their toes or the balls of their feet? First of all, toe walking is not necessarily a sign of anything bigger going on. A lot of kiddos who are just starting to walk spend a...
Jan 17, 2021
Texas is home to an array of snakes, which can pose a danger to children playing outside. As a parent, it’s important to know how to prevent snake bites, the signs and symptoms to watch for, and what to do...
Dec 17, 2020
Is your child feeling anxious, sad or worried? As a parent, it’s only natural to be concerned, but these feelings are all part of a child’s normal development.However, if your child does not outgrow these fears and worries, it can lead...
Nov 21, 2020
Adults often have misconceptions about children’s grief. Because children continue to play and participate in activities after a death, many adults believe that they are not affected. This could not be further from the truth.All children, regardless of their age,...