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Healthy Living
Jul 25, 2016
They were expecting their first baby. She was busy painting and prepping the nursery, when something unusual happened at 24 weeks. Fara Goodwyn of College Station, Texas, started experiencing some lower back pain and noticed she was leaking fluid. Because this...
Jul 1, 2016
If ever you’ve forgotten your cell phone, you may forget your child in the back seat.Our minds are powerful. We can prioritize things of importance, multitask remarkably well and process thousands of daily tasks. But for some, a simple act...
Jun 29, 2016
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a brain-based developmental disorder seen in children and leads to problems in behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, impulsivity and distraction, and the regulation of one’s activity level to the demands of a situation.Every person with ADHD...
Jun 10, 2016
When first encountering 8-year-old Logan Parker, you might be met with a growl. That’s simply dinosaur language for “hello” in his world. It’s a world where a rambunctious boy can play basketball, be a human bowling ball and ride a...
Apr 12, 2016
What starts out as harmless playing with the dog, can end in a complete meltdown for one child with oppositional defiant disorder.Young Jezzy was told to leave the dog alone, but she persists. The dog nips at her, and she...
Feb 8, 2016
It’s not every day that pediatric patients look out the windows of their hospital rooms to be greeted by Batman, Superman and Captain America.Window washers recently dressed as superheroes, thrilling pediatric patients at McLane Children’s Scott & White Hospital – Temple. The...
Jan 26, 2016
For small infants it may seem as though they are constantly sleeping. As you look at your child resting so peacefully, the thought that tragedy could strike in such a moment would seem unimaginable.Each year in the United States, there...
Jan 19, 2016
When it comes to their children, mothers have an uncanny ability of knowing when something is not right.Kande Hein, a mother of three from Harker Heights, TX, had to rely on that ability when her 5-week-old baby girl, Scarlett, became ill.“You just...
Jan 15, 2016
Compassionate care, it’s a term you often hear, but what does it really look like? It comes in many forms and through acts of random kindness. It takes an individual or individuals being conscious of others’ suffering or misfortune, but...
Dec 22, 2015
Some children can’t get enough of the loud sounds and flashing lights that come with seeing a blockbuster action movie at the theater. But there is a subset of children who are very sensitive to loud noises and a lot...
Nov 19, 2015
Many parents struggle with what to tell their children about mass tragedies like the recent horrific attacks on Paris. These events can be difficult for adults to process, let alone children and teens with less life experience to draw on.Today...
Aug 27, 2015
Have you ever noticed your child’s backpack might be too heavy? As textbooks are piled on for the new school year, it may appear he or she is carrying around a stack of bricks. If you notice your child struggling to put...
Aug 5, 2015
A 17-year-old from Bastrop, Texas now has a different perspective on life and how things sometimes play out.An avid soccer player from a young age, Daniel Mundine dreamed of playing professionally. Now due to complications from his complex medical condition,...
Aug 3, 2015
It’s nice to be a step ahead, especially when lives of infants and children could be impacted. Beginning September 1, 2015 Texas will require hospitals to provide discharge education materials for parents of newborns warning about the dangers of heatstroke...
Jun 2, 2015
Most parents already know that babies should sleep on their backs. But, as an important way to prevent infant suffocation, backside snoozing comes with unfortunate complications, including skull deformity.The problem is worse for premature babies, whose ultra-soft heads can’t withstand...
Mar 19, 2015
Baylor’s first-ever quintuplets celebrated their birthday, turning one year old this week. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we met quints. This picture was of their mom Michelle Seals holding them all for the first time.A year later, its very busy,...
Feb 3, 2015
Picture a toddler getting his first eye exam. He’s seated in a strange room, with instruments and bright lights. He can’t sit still or open his eyes long enough for that diagnostic poof of air – especially if he has trouble...