Pituitary tumors are usually not harmful but sometimes cause symptoms

Pituitary tumors are typically not cancerous, but they still can have an impact on daily life. The pituitary gland produces hormones that regulate other glands throughout the body, which can impact both the body’s appearance and function. Pituitary tumors can lead to hormone imbalances and related issues, conditions and symptoms such as:

  • Acromegaly (excessive growth hormone)
  • Prolactinomas (reduced libido, irregular menstruation, headache and vision problems)
  • TSH-producing adenomas (overactive thyroid)

Pituitary tumor treatment options

Since most pituitary tumors are small and do not cause symptoms, they often go undiagnosed. Pituitary tumors that are discovered, but that are small and not causing any significant symptoms, may be monitored on an ongoing basis through non-invasive imaging procedures. However, based on the size of the tumor and how it affects your life, pituitary tumor treatment may be required.

The neuroscience team on staff at Baylor Scott & White can provide advanced care to manage or eliminate pituitary tumors using these cancer treatment options:

  • Medicine
  • Radiation therapy
  • Surgery
  • Pain management
  • Clinical trials (when appropriate)