The physicians and staff of Baylor Scott & White Orthopaedic Trauma Associates utilize a team approach to care that provides appropriate, quality, accessible and comprehensive treatment of severe musculoskeletal injuries and complex orthopedic conditions.
Alan L. Jones, MD, Casey Cates, MD, Daniel Weglein, MD, Doug Smith, MD, and Eric Pagenkopf, MD are fellowship-trained orthopedic trauma surgeons offering specialized treatment for:
- Pelvic and acetabular fractures
- Multiple injuries
- Open and closed fractures and dislocations of the extremities
- Complex articular injuries
- Limb salvage
- Non-union and malunion fractures

Baylor Scott & White Orthopaedic Trauma Associates - Dallas
3409 Worth St Ste 300, Dallas, TX, 75246- Monday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Baylor Scott & White Orthopaedic Trauma Associates - Grapevine
1631 Lancaster Dr Ste 230, Grapevine, TX, 76051- Monday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Baylor Scott & White Orthopaedic Trauma Associates - McKinney
5220 W University Dr POB II, Ste 220, McKinney, TX, 75071- Monday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation
Office Hours
Insurances accepted
Baylor Scott & White has established agreements with several types of insurance to ensure your health needs are covered.
Aetna - (21)Aetna Medicare Eagle II (PPO)Aetna Medicare Choice II Plan (PPO)Aetna Medicare Freedom Preferred Plan (PPO)Group Retiree Medicare PPO - Limited to Exxon/MobilHMOChoice POS IIOpen Access Elect ChoiceHealth Network OnlyAetna Medicare Value Plan (HMO)Open Access SelectAetna Medicare Freedom Plan (PPO)SelectAetna Signature AdministratorsAetna Medicare Eagle Plan (PPO)Open Access Managed ChoiceAetna Medicare Choice Plan (PPO)Managed ChoiceOpen Choice PPOAetna Medicare Prime Plan (HMO)Aetna Medicare Dual Complete Plan (HMO D-SNP)QPOS
Baylor Scott & White Health Plan - (5)Covenant Health EPO NetworkBSW Preferred HMO Network - GroupBSW Extended PPOBSW SeniorCare Advantage PPOBSW Plus HMO-Individual/Family
Blue Cross Blue Shield - (25)Federal Basic OptionConsumer Directed HealthSelectBlue Premier AccessBlue PremierBlue Advantage Plus - GoldBlue Cross Group Medicare Advantage (PPO)Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO)Blue Cross Medicare Advantage Dual Care Plus (HMO SNP)High Performance NetworkHealthSelectTRS-ActiveCare Primary+Federal FEP Blue FocusFederal Standard OptionBlue ChoiceBlue EssentialsBlue Essentials AccessBlue Advantage Plus - BronzeBlue Advantage - GoldTRS-ActiveCare Primary HDTRS-ActiveCare PrimaryTRS-ActiveCare 2Blue Advantage - BronzeBlue Advantage - SilverBlue Advantage Plus - SilverTRS-Care Standard
Cigna - (8)Point of Service Open AccessOpen Access Plus In-NetworkOpen Access PlusCigna HealthSpringLocalPlus In-NetworkOpen AccessCigna Medicare AdvantageChoice Fund
EHN - (1)Employers Health Network
First Health/Coventry - (1)First Health/Coventry Network
HealthSmart - (2)Accel NetworkPreferred Network
Humana - (11)ChoiceCareHumanaChoice (PPO)Humana Gold Choice (PFFS)Humana PreferredHumanaChoice (Regional PPO)Humana USAA Honor with Rx (PPO)PPOHumana Gold Plus (HMO)Humana Gold Plus SNP-DE (HMO D-SNP)Humana Honor (PPO)National POS
Nebraska Furniture Mart - (3)EmeraldOnyxPearl
PHCS Network - (1)PHCS Primary PPO
Superior Health Plan - (5)Ambetter Core EPO - BronzeAmbetter Core EPO - GoldAmbetter Core EPO - SilverSTAR+PLUSWellcare
Superior HealthPlan - (1)STAR+PLUS
TriWest HealthCare - (1)Community Care Network
United HealthCare - (21)Nexus ACO - Open AccessAARP Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO)AARP Medicare Advantage Patriot (HMO-POS)AARP Medicare Advantage SecureHorizons Plan 1 (HMO-POS)UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Choice (Regional PPO)Navigate BalancedEDGENavigate PlusAARP Medicare Advantage SecureHorizons Plan 2 (HMO-POS)Select PlusSurestSelectOptionsChoice PlusChoiceCharter PlusCharterAll SaversAARP Medicare Advantage Walgreens (PPO)Charter BalancedCore
American Health Advantage of Texas - (1)American Health Advantage of Texas HMO I-SNP
Imagine Health - (1)Imagine Health Network
Parkland Community Health Plan - (1)STAR - HealthFirst
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Orthopedic surgery services
Baylor Scott & White Orthopaedic Trauma Associates are dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system.
The evaluation process typically involves a comprehensive examination and a detailed medical history profile. In the case of traumatic injury, patients may be required to undergo a series of tests that might include:
- X-ray
- Arthrogram
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Computed tomography scan (also called a CT or CAT scan)
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Ultrasound
- Laboratory tests
- Arthroscopy
- Myelogram
- Radionuclide bone scan
Pay bill
Baylor Scott & White Health is pleased to offer you multiple options to pay your bill. View our guide to understand your Baylor Scott & White billing statement.
We offer two online payment options:
- Make a one-time payment without registering by selecting the "Pay a Bill as a Guest" option.
- Enroll or login to your MyBSWHealth account to view account balances and statements, setup a payment plan or enroll in paperless statements.
Other payment options:
Pay by mail
To ensure that your payment is correctly applied to your account, detach the slip from your Baylor Scott & White billing statement and return the slip with your payment. If paying by check or money order, include your account number on the check or money order.
Please mail the payment to the address listed on your statement.
Pay by phone
Payments to HTPN can be made over the phone with our automated phone payment system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day. Please call 1.866.377.1650.
If you need to speak to someone about a bill from a Baylor Scott & White Hospital, our Customer Service department is available to take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and can be reached at 1.800.994.0371.
Pay in person
Payments can be made in person at the facility where you received services.
Financial assistance
At Baylor Scott & White Health, we want to be a resource for you and your family. Our team of customer service representatives and financial counselors are here to help you find financial solutions that can help cover your cost of care. We encourage you to speak to a team member before, during or after care is received.
Patient forms
To ensure that your visit to our office is as convenient and efficient as possible, we are pleased to offer our registration forms online. The patient registration form may be completed electronically and printed for better legibility or completed manually.