Accidents happen all the time. Be prepared when they do.

The Baylor Scott & White ER specialists are here for you—fast

The ER providers at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Brenham are trained to handle your medical emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our Emergency Department is a Level 3 Trauma Center—only three facilities in the state with a Level 3 Stroke designation.

And, with our Rapid Registration, our Brenham ER team provides you with emergency care as quickly and efficiently as possible. Now, you can be registered in an average of five minutes or less. Our registration staff works hand-in-hand with our emergency medical team to quickly transition you from the waiting room to a patient-care area, ensuring your medical care begins sooner.

Rapid registration truly works, enabling us to put you back on the fast track to health.

Some patients may have life-threatening or more serious conditions and will be seen before those with non-threatening problems regardless of order of arrival. Please understand this does not mean you are less important to us.

Plan ahead for emergencies

Accidents and mishaps often take you by surprise. Planning ahead lessens the stress of a trip to the ER and helps hospital staff to more quickly provide appropriate care. Make a plan that includes:

  • A list of emergency contacts
  • Directions to your local ER
  • Important medical information, from a list of your allergies to current medications you are taking
  • A method for alerting family members

Know your route

Time is almost always a factor in emergency situations. You should know the fastest route to Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Brenham from your home, office or any other important location that you visit often. You can use this link to print out directions. Keep the directions in the glove compartment of your car for easy reference.

When to call 911

For medical emergencies requiring immediate attention from the police, fire department, or ambulance personnel, call 911 for help. Seek emergency assistance if the person is:

  • Bleeding heavily and/or uncontrollably
  • Experiencing an allergic reaction
  • Suffering from chest pain
  • Gasping for air or choking
  • Feeling suddenly weak or experiencing numbness
  • Unconscious and/or unresponsive

Getting the right type of care as quickly as possible is key. Stay calm, respond to the 911 operator's questions, be prepared to follow instructions for providing basic aid until help arrives and remain on the phone until instructed to end the call.

Providing basic first aid

Some emergencies require immediate assistance while medical help is on its way. Be equipped with some basic first aid knowledge to help you during a medical emergency situation.

  • For bleeding
    • Apply firm, direct pressure on the wound to slow or stop the bleeding.
    • Keep wounded limbs (arms or legs) elevated, unless you suspect broken bones.
    • Use clean bandages. If blood soaks through, add more bandages.
    • For uncontrollable bleeding, make a tourniquet. Wrap it above the wound and pull tightly.
    • In the case of impale wounds (caused by a knife, pole or other similar object) do not pull the object out of the wound. Seek immediate emergency care.
  • For unconsciousness

    Losing consciousness or fainting happens for many reasons, ranging from low blood sugar to hyperventilation. Call 911 if the person doesn’t quickly return to consciousness and then:

    • Check the victim's airway, breathing, and pulse. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR.
    • Keep the person warm (if it’s cold) or cool (if it’s hot) until medical help arrives.
    • A fainting person may fall; try to prevent it. Lay the person flat on the floor and elevate his or her feet.
  • For choking

    Airway blockage can cause choking. Clearing a person’s airway is critical. Back blows and/or abdominal thrusts are both effective techniques to use for conscious choking.

    To give back blows:
    From behind the choking victim, place one arm diagonally across the individual’s chest and lean the person forward. Firmly strike the person on the back between the shoulder blades with the heel of your other hand.

    To give abdominal thrusts:
    Start by standing or kneeling behind the victim and wrapping your arms around the person’s waist. Make a fist with one hand and place the thumb side against the middle of the victim's abdomen, just above the navel and well below the lower tip of the breastbone. Grab your fist with your other hand and give quick inward and upward thrusts into the abdomen.

    (Source: American Red Cross)