Please call the operator at 817.926.2544 and they can assist with connecting you to the person or department you need at Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth.

Listing of department phone numbers
Department name Phone number
Main Number 817.926.2544 (Dial 0 from room)
Customer Service Support Center (Help Desk) 817.922.4646
Access Services/Admitting/Registration 817.922.1099
Administration 817.927.8299
Andrews’ Reception Desk 24/7 817.698.8460
Billing 800.725.0024 or 214.820.3151
Business Office 214.820.6600
Medical Records 817.922.1294
Emergency Department 817.922.7070
Employee Health Services 817.922.7550
Food and Nutrition 817.922.3663 (FOOD)
Foundation 817.922.7707
Lost and Found (Patient Items) 817.922.2376
Magnolia Boutique 817.698.8695
Survivor Gals Store 817.924.8800
Starbucks® 817.698.8690
C-Store 817.698.8699
Guest Relations 817.922.2376
Housekeeping/Maintenance 214.820.6700
Pastoral Care 817.927.6150
Patient Advocate Hotline 1.866.218.6919
Pharmacy 817.922.3800
Public Safety (Security) 817.922.1911
Registration 817.927.6112
Social Workers 817.922.1054
Valet Parking 817.698.8980
Volunteer Services 817.922.2376