man with previous torn meniscus sitting on grass and stretching legs before running

What is a torn meniscus?

Between the bones of the knees are two crescent-shaped discs of connective tissue called menisci, which also act as shock absorbers to cushion the lower part of the leg from the weight of the rest of the body. A torn meniscus can occur during a rotating movement while bearing weight, such as when twisting the upper leg while the foot stays in one place during sports and other activities.

Meniscus tears can also happen from kneeling, squatting, lifting a heavy object or when your knee and surrounding tissue show signs of aging.

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What are the symptoms of a torn meniscus?

A torn meniscus can be a source of discomfort and can affect various aspects of your daily life. Recognizing the torn meniscus symptoms is essential for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Here are the key indicators to be aware of:

  • Instability
  • Joint locking
  • Knee pain
  • Knee popping or clicking
  • Limited range of motion
  • Swelling
medical provider examining man's knee for torn meniscus

Other conditions with similar symptoms

Several knee conditions can exhibit symptoms similar to a torn meniscus, so an accurate diagnosis is essential. Two common conditions often confused with meniscus tears are anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and collateral ligament injuries.

  • ACL tear

    An ACL tear typically results from a sudden injury and is often experienced during fast-paced, high-impact activities like sports or skiing. Symptoms may include knee swelling, pain, instability and a limited range of motion. Unlike meniscus tears, ACL injuries often result from direct trauma and can lead to a feeling of the knee giving way.

  • Collateral ligament injury

    Injuries to the collateral ligaments, which stabilize the knee joint, can produce symptoms like a torn meniscus. These may include pain, swelling and joint instability. Collateral ligament injuries often occur because of a direct blow to the knee or forceful twisting and require prompt evaluation to determine the extent of damage and the most suitable treatment plan.

What causes a torn meniscus?

Meniscus tears are a common and painful knee injury resulting from various causes. Understanding what can lead to meniscus tears is essential for injury prevention and early intervention:

  • Aging: The natural aging process plays a substantial role in meniscus deterioration. The meniscus gradually weakens as we age and becomes more susceptible to tears.
  • Genetics: Genetic predisposition can influence an individual's susceptibility to meniscus tears. Variations in the meniscus structure may make some people more prone to injury.
  • Inadequate warm-up: Proper warm-up is vital for joint lubrication and flexibility. Skipping or insufficiently performing warm-up routines before physical activities, especially sudden or intense movements, heightens the risk of meniscus injuries.
  • Obesity: Excess body weight places added stress on the knee joint. This increased load can accelerate the degenerative changes in the meniscus and make it more prone to injury.
  • Osteoarthritis: Gradual wear and tear due to osteoarthritis can lead to the erosion of the meniscus. As the protective cartilage in the knee joint deteriorates with age, the meniscus becomes increasingly vulnerable to injury.
  • Repetitive stress: Occupations or hobbies that require frequent knee bending, squatting or heavy lifting put the meniscus under repetitive stress. Over time, this can lead to structural damage and tears.
  • Sports: Participation in specific sports, such as soccer, football, basketball or tennis, can elevate the risk of meniscus tears due to frequent cutting, pivoting, jumping and contact. These activities place increased demands on the knee joint and make it more vulnerable to injury.
  • Trauma or injury: Acute meniscus tears often arise from sudden, forceful knee injuries. These may occur during sports activities, falls or accidents and are characterized by immediate pain, swelling and functional limitations.

Preventive actions, such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and adhering to proper warm-up protocols, are integral to safeguarding knee health and avoiding injury. If there is a suspicion of a meniscus tear or if you are experiencing symptoms like pain, swelling and limited mobility, seek prompt medical evaluation for an accurate diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan.

Torn meniscus diagnosis


A torn meniscus is typically diagnosed through medical history, physical examination and imaging studies. Here's an overview of the key steps in the diagnostic process:

  • Medical history

    Medical history

    To understand your medical history, your doctor will discuss your symptoms, the circumstances surrounding the injury, any previous knee issues, and overall health. Details about your lifestyle, including sports and physical activities, are crucial for understanding the context of the injury.

  • Physical exam

    Physical exam

    A physical examination is a critical part of the diagnostic process. Your doctor will assess your knee's range of motion and stability and look for any signs of tenderness. Specialized tests, like the McMurray test, may be conducted to evaluate the likelihood of a meniscus tear. The physical exam provides valuable insights into the nature and extent of the injury.

  • Imaging


    Imaging studies are often employed to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the meniscus tear. These imaging options include:

    • Arthrogram: An arthrogram is a procedure used to visualize the inside of a joint. It involves injecting a contrast dye into the joint space before performing imaging tests such as an X-ray, MRI or CT scan.
    • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): An MRI offers detailed, high-resolution images of the knee's soft tissues to provide a comprehensive view of the meniscus and its condition.
    • Ultrasound: Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce real-time images of the knee. It can be beneficial for evaluating the meniscus and surrounding structures.
    • X-ray: While X-rays don't directly visualize the meniscus, they can help rule out other bone-related issues and assess joint alignment.

Medical history

To understand your medical history, your doctor will discuss your symptoms, the circumstances surrounding the injury, any previous knee issues, and overall health. Details about your lifestyle, including sports and physical activities, are crucial for understanding the context of the injury.

Physical exam

A physical examination is a critical part of the diagnostic process. Your doctor will assess your knee's range of motion and stability and look for any signs of tenderness. Specialized tests, like the McMurray test, may be conducted to evaluate the likelihood of a meniscus tear. The physical exam provides valuable insights into the nature and extent of the injury.


Imaging studies are often employed to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the meniscus tear. These imaging options include:

  • Arthrogram: An arthrogram is a procedure used to visualize the inside of a joint. It involves injecting a contrast dye into the joint space before performing imaging tests such as an X-ray, MRI or CT scan.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): An MRI offers detailed, high-resolution images of the knee's soft tissues to provide a comprehensive view of the meniscus and its condition.
  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce real-time images of the knee. It can be beneficial for evaluating the meniscus and surrounding structures.
  • X-ray: While X-rays don't directly visualize the meniscus, they can help rule out other bone-related issues and assess joint alignment.

Torn meniscus treatment

Treating a torn meniscus is a multifaceted process aimed at improving pain or discomfort and restoring knee function. Depending on the type and severity of the tear, various approaches are available, ranging from non-surgical methods to surgical interventions.

  • Non-surgical treatments


    Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen, can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Your healthcare provider may recommend these to alleviate discomfort.

    Physical therapy

    Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in rehabilitating a torn meniscus. A trained physical therapist designs a customized exercise program to strengthen the surrounding muscles, improve joint stability, and restore mobility. These exercises are essential for regaining function and preventing future injuries.

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy:

    In some cases, your doctor may recommend platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). PRP is a minimally invasive procedure that harnesses the body's natural healing properties by injecting a concentrated solution of platelets into the torn meniscus, promoting tissue repair and aiding in pain relief.

    RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation)

    This simple yet effective regimen involves rest to avoid aggravating the injury, ice to reduce swelling, compression to support the injured area and elevation to minimize inflammation.


    In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be administered directly into the knee joint to reduce pain and inflammation. Corticosteroid injections can provide temporary relief, mainly when there is significant joint inflammation.

  • Surgery

    Surgical intervention is considered in cases of severe meniscus tears, or when non-surgical methods do not provide sufficient relief. In some cases, an arthroscopy may be recommended. This minimally invasive procedure involves a small camera inserted into the knee joint to visualize and diagnose the meniscus tear.

    Arthroscopic meniscectomy

    This minimally invasive procedure involves removing the damaged part of the meniscus. It is a common approach for more minor tears and is typically performed using an arthroscope, a small camera that allows precise surgical guidance.

    Meniscus repair

    When possible, repairing the torn meniscus with sutures (also known as stitches) or other techniques is preferred, especially for younger patients or specific tear types. This procedure aims to preserve as much of the meniscus as possible to promote long-term knee health.

    Meniscus transplant

    In rare cases, when a substantial portion of the meniscus has been removed, a meniscus transplant may be considered. This surgery involves grafting donor tissue into the knee, helping to restore joint function and alleviate pain.

    Knee replacement

    A knee replacement may be the best long-term treatment if the torn meniscus results from advanced osteoarthritis.

Frequently asked questions

  • Will walking on a torn meniscus make it worse?

    Walking with a torn meniscus, especially with a significant tear, can exacerbate the injury. The meniscus provides knee joint cushioning and stability, and walking may worsen the tear or irritate surrounding tissues. It's advisable to reduce weight-bearing activities and consult a doctor for a proper evaluation and guidance.

  • What does a torn meniscus feel like?

    A torn meniscus causes knee pain, swelling, and discomfort, usually on the side of the tear. Pain ranges from mild to severe and can worsen with specific movements like twisting or squatting.

  • What are some torn meniscus exercises to avoid?

    Exercises that involve deep knee bending, sudden twisting, or high-impact activities should be avoided if you suspect you have a torn meniscus. These include squats, lunges and activities involving pivoting or jumping. Consult a healthcare professional or therapist for a tailored exercise plan.

  • Can a torn meniscus heal on its own?

    The ability of a torn meniscus to self-heal varies based on factors like tear type and location, blood supply and age. Minor outer-edge tears may mend with rest and therapy, while more extensive or complex tears often need medical intervention.

  • Can you see a torn meniscus on an MRI

    Yes, an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a highly effective diagnostic tool for visualizing a torn meniscus. It provides detailed images of the knee's soft tissues to identify the location, type and severity of the tear.

  • What's the difference between a torn meniscus and an ACL tear?

    A torn meniscus damages knee cartilage, often from sudden movements or degeneration, while an ACL tear affects the ligament due to twisting or impact. Both cause knee pain and instability but require different treatments due to their distinct locations in the knee.