World's largest uterus transplant program now offers more women the opportunity to achieve a pregnancy

Becoming a mother is a monumental moment. At Baylor Scott & White Health, we want all mothers to cherish the unique moments of their pregnancy and childbirth.

For women with absolute uterine factor infertility, the uterus transplant program at Baylor University Medical Center, part of Baylor Scott & White Health offers this life-changing moment by providing a solution to infertility due to the absence of a uterus

Baylor University Medical Center is the first transplant program in the world to offer uterus transplants outside of a clinical trial.

Our uterus transplant program in Dallas is the only program in the United States to deliver babies using uteri from both living and deceased donors and the first uterus transplant program in the nation to successfully deliver two babies from one transplanted uterus.

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Uterus transplant recipient eligibility

Any woman with uterine factor infertility due to lack of the uterus (born without a uterus or lost the uterus in young age for a benign or malignant condition) or presence of a nonfunctioning uterus, is a potential candidate for uterus transplant.

  • Of childbearing age (18-45 years old)
  • Cancer-free for five years
  • Healthy weight
  • Negative for HIV, hepatitis B and C
  • Non-smoker

To start the process for determining eligibility, fill out the questionnaire:

Complete this form to be considered for a uterus transplant

Uterus transplant donor eligibility

  • Ages 30-50 years old
  • Healthy weight
  • Cancer-free for five years
  • Negative for HIV and hepatitis
  • No history of hypertension or diabetes

Matching the recipient to a donor is done by blood type. A uterus can be donated from either a living or deceased donor.

A living uterus donor who has completed her own childbearing can give her uterus for the purpose of transplantation to a female recipient. A living donor can either be non-directed, unknown to the recipient, or directed, known to the recipient.

A deceased uterus donor is a female who is willing to donate her uterus after death.

A uterus transplant or donation is not for everyone, and there is an extensive screening process prior to acceptance to the program.

Complete this form to request to become a uterus donor

Recipients: What to expect

  • Are there any weight restrictions?

    It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle while preparing for transplant and pregnancy. You should be at a healthy weight, with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or below to proceed with a uterus transplant.

  • Do I need to move to Dallas?

    No, but there are specific times you will be required to stay in Dallas, including:

    • Evaluation appointments
    • Transplant surgery and several weeks after surgery
    • Additional times specific to each uterus transplant recipient, as determined by your transplant team
  • What if I don't know someone who is willing to donate her uterus?

    A living donor is usually the quickest way to receive a transplant. We will screen any potential donors who come forward on your behalf.

    We also can match you with a non-directed donor or deceased donor.

  • Are there robotic surgery options for uterus transplants?
    Yes, learn more about robotic transplantation.
  • After uterus transplant, will I get a menstrual period?

    Getting a menstrual period means the transplanted uterus is functioning. Most recipients get a menstrual period within four to six weeks after transplant. Periods usually occur monthly until pregnancy.

  • After uterus transplant, is there any chance of getting pregnant naturally (without IVF)?

    No. During surgery, the uterus is transplanted with the cervix but not the fallopian tubes. You cannot get pregnant naturally without fallopian tubes, as they act as a bridge between the ovaries and the uterus.

  • Will I have the transplanted uterus for the rest of my life?

    No. Uterus transplant is a temporary transplant to allow for one or two pregnancies. The transplanted uterus is removed after the first or second pregnancy is complete. Once the transplanted uterus is removed, you will stop taking immunosuppressive medications.

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After you recover from the transplant surgery, embryo transfer is done three to six months after the transplant surgery, which hopefully results in a successful pregnancy.

At this time, we follow the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s recommendation to do single embryo transfer to decrease the risks associated with twins.

Due to the organ transplant and the immunosuppressive medications you must take, it is considered a high-risk pregnancy. You will be followed by a maternal fetal medicine doctor and a high-risk obstetrician to monitor the health of you and the baby.

Delivery of your baby will be by caesarean section. With the guidance of your physician team, the transplanted uterus is either removed after delivery of the first child or retained to try for a second pregnancy.

Donors: What to expect

  • How long does it take a uterus donor to recover?

    Most uterus donors state they “feel recovered” two to four weeks after donation.

    Uterus donors are restricted from heavy lifting and should refrain from intercourse for three months after donation

  • What are a donor’s financial considerations?
    • Medical expenses are the costs of the hospital and physician services for the donor evaluation, donation surgery and routine follow-up visits. These medical expenses are covered by the recipient. A donor should not have costs associated with these services or complications from the hysterectomy.
    • Non-medical expenses are out-of-pocket costs for travel and lodging, parking, meals, lost wages from work, child care costs, caregiver expenses, etc. Organizations such as the National Living Donor Assistance Center may be able to assist a donor with non-medical expenses.
  • Are uterus donors required to have insurance?

    Uterus donors are required to have health insurance so that they have access to care in case of non-donor-related health issues after donation.

  • How long does the donor stay in the hospital after the uterus donation surgery?

    Uterus donors stay in the hospital an average of two nights in the hospital with robotic surgery. If the procedure needs to be longer the hospital stay will be longer. Before discharge the patient should be up walking, eating and drinking, having a bowel movement and urinating after the catheter in her bladder is removed.

  • Are donors paid to donate their uterus?

    It is illegal for a living donor to be compensated or paid directly or indirectly by the recipient, recipient family or any other party.

  • What kind of follow-up is required after uterus donation?

    Donors are seen in the transplant clinic 10 to 14 days after surgery. After that, donors are seen in the transplant clinic at three months. We currently follow donors for 2 years at six months, one year and two years after surgery via telehealth visits. We are always happy to see our donors in person if they prefer in person visits.


Uterus transplantation is not covered by insurance, but several components of the process may be covered. For example, your insurance may cover some costs related to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and/or delivery of the baby.

Uterus transplant in Dallas is offered as a private pay service. The special package pricing amount is based on an estimate of the hospital charges and certain physician charges for uterus transplant-related services. A transplant team financial representative will discuss the requirements with you.

The cost of the uterus transplant is paid in multiple payments:

  • An initial payment is due prior to starting the uterus transplant evaluation
  • A second payment is due in full within six months of medical approval for transplant and prior to transplant surgery
  • A third payment is required if the recipient is approved for a second pregnancy and delivery

  • Is uterus transplantation covered by insurance?

    Uterus transplantation is not covered by insurance, but several components of the process may be covered. For example, your insurance may cover some costs related to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and/or delivery of the baby.

  • How much does a uterus transplant cost?

    Uterus transplant is offered as a private pay service. The special package pricing amount is based on an estimate of the hospital charges and certain physician charges for uterus transplant-related services. A transplant team financial representative will discuss the requirements with you.

  • What services are covered by the special package pricing?
    • Donor evaluation, donor hospitalization for hysterectomy, and care for donor hysterectomy-related complications
    • Recipient pre-transplant evaluation, transplant hospitalization, immunosuppression therapy, and post-transplant follow-up care, including removal of the transplanted uterus after delivery
    • Potential for two deliveries, including prenatal care and medical management of complications of pregnancies and deliveries
  • What services are not covered by special package pricing?
    • In vitro fertilization (IVF) and all other services related to becoming pregnant. All physician, hospital and other charges for these services, whether elective or medically necessary, are your financial responsibility
    • Newborn follow-up and all pediatric care after delivery. All physician, hospital and other charges for these services, whether elective or medically necessary, are your financial responsibility
    • All other medical care, whether elective or medically necessary, that is not in the list of included services are your financial responsibility

    For all services that are excluded from the deposit, you will need to make all payment arrangements directly with the physician, hospital or other healthcare provider that you choose to provide the excluded service

  • What are the acceptable methods of payment?

    Payment can be made by check, bank wire transfer, and/or credit card.

  • What is the average cost of IVF?

    The approximate cost of IVF is $15,000 to $20,000.

  • Am I required to use specific physicians during the uterus transplant process?

    For any services covered by the special package pricing, you must use specific physicians selected by the uterus transplant team.

    Many of these physicians were involved in the uterus transplant clinical trial and have experience with this innovative treatment. These physicians have a contract with the hospital so that they can be paid from your payment.

Meet the uterus transplant team

Our Dallas uterus transplant program’s success is attributed to a multidisciplinary team of specialists in transplant, gynecology, obstetrics and maternal/fetal medicine who have remained committed to advancing the science of uterus transplantation for the benefit of the broader medical community and women with uterine factor infertility.

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Publications and research

Baylor University Medical Center is also a leader in uterus transplant research. 

View our recent research and publications

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in uterus transplant. Please complete this form and tell us more about your request. A member of our team will contact you.