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Health Topics
Mar 18, 2025
It’s that time of year again. When the flu hits, it can leave you feeling miserable and unsure of what to do next. Understanding what to do when you have the flu, especially when it comes to finding effective flu...
Feb 20, 2025
Fever is the body’s natural response to infection, but it can leave you feeling drained and uncomfortable. However, knowing how to break a fever can provide relief while supporting your recovery. If you or a loved one is experiencing a...
Nov 13, 2024
We’ve all been there—sniffling, sneezing and trying to figure out whether it’s just a cold, the flu or RSV. With so many overlapping symptoms, it can be tricky to determine which virus is behind your or your family’s symptoms. But...
Nov 17, 2023
It’s that time of year again, those months when it seems like everyone is sniffling, sneezing and coughing. In a world where the flu and COVID-19 coexist, determining which virus you or your loved ones have contracted can be difficult....
Aug 9, 2022
Maybe you’re not usually one to fall prey to seasonal viruses. You do what you can to stay healthy—work out regularly, try and eat a balanced diet, and limit the amount of time spent around others who are sick. You...
Oct 18, 2021
It’s that time of year again. And with the beginning of every flu season, misinformation and myths about the flu vaccine begin to circulate, making it difficult to dissect fact from fiction.S,o why should you consider getting vaccinated against the flu?“Statistics show that influenza (flu) is...
Oct 17, 2021
Getting the flu vaccine is your first (and most obvious step) in preventing a nasty bout of flu this season, but after you’ve crossed that off your to-do list, your work isn’t over. There are other steps you can take...
Jul 7, 2020
Having a fever can leave you feeling miserable, hot and sweaty — and worried. How high is too high? When is it time to call the doctor? What do these numbers even mean? We tend to fear fevers. However, a...
Feb 22, 2018
Influenza and heart attack are things we don’t normally associate together, but the two are more connected than you might think.A recent study found that a person’s chances of having a heart attack, or myocardial infarction, increase significantly after a...
Oct 17, 2017
Have you ever hesitated to get the flu shot? Maybe because you didn’t have the time, or thought you were invincible to catching the virus?As flu season is upon us once again, there’s something you need to know: Getting a...
Sep 15, 2017
The flu can attack anyone, but some people are more susceptible to the virus than others. As physicians, we believe it is important that you know your risks and how to prevent the flu before it gets you.Who’s susceptible?Those at...
Nov 10, 2016
It’s that time of year again, when we’re all being urged to get our flu shots. Many moms-to-be often ask me whether it’s safe for them to get vaccinated. The answer is yes, it is safe, and it’s strongly recommended...
Nov 6, 2015
In a matter of days, you’ve succumbed to all of the typical flu symptoms – fever, chills, body aches and a cough that just won’t let up. But what you don’t know is that your cough is really an infection...
Feb 19, 2015
It’s no wonder, as parents, we are on high alert during cold and flu season. Millions of children get sick each year with seasonal flu. Children are notorious for contracting and spreading infections. Children like to touch, lick and eat...